The purpose of this article offer the reader a complete picture of the greatest civilizations of the world, originating in Africa, the continent's major modern scholars now describe it as "the cradle of civilization." This history is sophisticated and intelligent readers who had never read before, something serious about Africa, since the early days of the last address. Most black people have their confidence, lost their true identity, becausetheir history has been neglected, falsified, is partly covered. Diana Crawford Carson was in the compilation of the history, how many hours have passed because of synchronization from many sources and review of the instrumental use of language. Note: Items century, generally refers to the first date. Example: An entry for 14 to 18 century found at 1300 '14th Century '. The numbers in the left column are arbitrary, to help those who useIndices.
The Black Holocaust is one of the unreported tragedies in the annals of human history. The Holocaust refers Black lost the lives of millions of Africans over the centuries of slavery, colonization and oppression. The Black Holocaust refers to the horror of millions of men, women and children in the African Diaspora and the slave trade to bear, since 17 century, education and training for at least the next two centuries. (Indifferent form, and from many nations, the tragedy of slavery. etc.) In pure numbers, the depth and brutality, is a testament to the worst elements of human behavior and the strongest elements of survival.
was the unknown number of Africans (perhaps more than 4 million) have died in the wars of the slaves and marches by other prisoners shipped to other countries. Coastal tribes fled; Within Central Africa itself unusual mass migration, the slave tradeshare slave raids and the capture and transport slaves were punished, or sold to slave owners in other regions of Africa.
The African slave trade and slave labor transformed the world. In Africa, the slave trade stimulated the development of powerful kingdoms in West Africa, made possible with the tools and weapons with the proceeds of the slave trade in equipment. In the Islamic world, African slaves on the plantations expansion, sea ports and the families of Commerce and IndustryIndian Ocean and Persian Gulf. In the Americas, North and South, slave labor was the key component in trans-Atlantic agriculture and commerce, which in turn is booming capitalist economy of the 17th and 18th centuries. The greatest demand came from Brazil (South America) and sugar cane plantations in the Caribbean.
Many Africans, like Queen Nzinga of Angola and Congo Marembo King, fought valiantly, if unsuccessfully,against the European slavers and their African employees, without which the large number of men and women may not have been captured. Others resisted their captors starting riots or even desperation jump into the sea from slave ships during the horrible "middle passage" across the Atlantic. Many African slaves were in America for a "pause" in the subject, often in the West Indian islands. Many of the prisoners, especially the very strongSpirit, were not "broken", and managed to flee, eventually to form independent trade unions, as the Maroons ('outliers') in the West Indies. Some of these Maroon communities, numbering in the thousands in the Caribbean and South America, the guerrilla war against the slave traders. When the slave fugitives were caught, were executed terribly brutal.
85 THE diaspora: the forced and brutal dispersal of almost thirty million Africans abroadCountries like the slaves of black diaspora is. African slaves and their descendants brought with them their skills and shared many common values, rich cultural traditions, elasticity and resistance ethos and transformed the cultures have enriched the world. Just as the Africans were scattered all over the world have brought their many strengths and traditions of cultural creativity and verbal art with them. This led to a culture rich in music, with a variety ofTools, some primitive
and some very sophisticated, lively rhythms, dance, costumes in a rainbow of colors, almost as an exploration of different textures and colors. E 'adorable use of repetition in poetry, in the call-and-response vocal and storytelling, all part of the rich heritage of most African nations. Cultural traditions of African music and oral
86 1789 a Nigerian slave zone of Benin, Nigeria carried, theStates (USA) as a child, and later reached the freedom and reached England. Somehow along the way learned that the young Equiano reading, writing and so that, even in freedom, was able to write his autobiography. Perhaps a security issue, as Gustavus Vassa wrote, although he used his real name in the title of his book "The interesting story of the life of Olaudah Equiano '. This fascinating and painful book Equiano (also called Igbo) was a clear presentation of his lifeas a slave, and then released. An interesting aspect is the description of the difference between Equiano the African system of slavery and European slavery "serf". "This is partly a defense of African writing system of serfdom, as most human of Europeans, the system of slavery, ownership of another person. As probably the first autobiography of a slave or former slaves, the book has aroused much interest. Equiano book was written followed by others, freed fromMen or smuggled out of slavery still not free. All this has helped to encourage the young but growing movement against the death penalty in the United States and Europe.
87 1790 The movement against the death penalty (for the abolition of slavery), was strengthened in Britain and the United States.
88 A 1792 slave revolt in Haiti (Saint-Dominigue called by the French), in which the slaves), was conducted by thousands of Toussant L'Ouverture (1743 to 1803. His armyFinally, numbered 55 000 Africans, and the guerrilla war being waged against the British front in Haiti for years.
89 end of the 18th to mid 19th C political, economic and scientific interests suggested another era of European exploration and the search for new markets. British explorer James Bruce reached the source of the Blue Nile in 1770, explored the Scottish explorer Mungo Park (1795 and 1805) the river Niger, Scottish missionary David Livingstoneinvestigated and the Zambezi in 1855, named Victoria Falls, and the British explorer John Hanning Speke and James Augustus Grant, traveling downstream, and Sir Samuel White Baker, upstream from the headwaters of the Nile in 1863. After the discoverer (and sometimes in front of them) were the Christian missionaries and European traders.
1990 1795 The British took control of the Cape Colony, South Africa, by the Dutch.
19. Century,1800
1800 and 1991 in the century Swahili poetry written in the language of the longest topics focused mainly on the Arabs (and Muslims). The new poetry as Kiswahili and Bantu cultural uses traditional materials, like their ritual songs and much more. The well-known Swahili poet, Sayyid Abdallah bin Masir, wrote a strong religious poetry "The Soul's Awakening" ("wa utendi Inkishafi '). This story of the fall of the godfather, a city-state, presented astrong message about the futility of this life selfish.
1992 to 1804 this year that the Black Republic of Haiti was born in A
93 1807 Act prohibited inEngland Wilberforce the slave trade. (Slavery was banned in1835.)
1994 1815 was a period of continuing British immigration to South Africa
20 years after the split and the Cape Colony from the Dutch colony insaid the formal British control over the former Dutch possessions. Despite the strength of the Government, the Boers began to move inland in search of better lands and, after 1815, managed to escape from British control.
95 1818-1828 Shaka Zulu leader a strong, united and Nguni peoples forged an impressive fighting force, the launch of "Mfecane (wars of crushing and wandering years, pronounced 'neh feh CAH mm) compared to African blacks and European whites adjacentthroughout Southern Africa. Shaka was assassinated in 1828, but a greater power over Zulu.
1996 1822 The American Colonization Society (ACS), the device to allow the case to free African-Americans to return to Africa as an alternative to emancipation in the United States. In 1822 the company founded a colony on the west coast of Africa. This became the independent nation of Liberia in 1847. This resettlement program continue so that, twenty years later, more13,000 ex-slaves reached freedom in Liberia, through the work of ACS.
97 1830-1834 in search of more land to the Boers, the Europeans of Dutch origin (the word "Boer" means "peasant"), already established in South Africa, began their "Great Trek" N, move to areas arable land, the Orange River and Natal. This has led) to the "transfer of land or expropriation of the Nguni peoples of the South (108th
981835 prohibited slavery in England was launched 28 years after the slave trade itself.
99 1839 West African people and states were required by the problems of population and the discomfort caused by the Atlantic slave trade, and the resulting movements of Africans.
100 1839-1842 These years saw the reality) Amistad (slave uprising, the Steven Spielberg film based 1997th The "rebellion" was toshipwrecked off the coast of Cuba The impetus of this revolt was raised serious impact on young people in the United States, while the men captured the rebellion sparked a battle with the law, politics and public debate to raise awareness Public terrible and inhumane aspects of slavery and the slave trade, and concern for the loss of the original home of the slaves that were stolen from Africa. Race was an issue, but also discuss if it was to enslave the right breedanother. The fiber of the young American nation has been hit.
101 La Amistad revolt was an important episode in the history of teeth: (1) West Africa, whose peoples and states have made you uncomfortable / dangerous (in 1839) due to loss of massive slave population by the terrible devastation Atlantic trade and (2) Cuba, Spanish possession (in 1839) and is a major sugar producer, perhaps the largest in the world and even in thisa culture of great slave society, the last in the Caribbean, and (3) A little further north, the fledgling but growing in the United States in 1839 produced a major political power beyond its borders has become, but always politically more torn from his position as half slave and half free. There were those who believed that slavery was a biblical basis for (v. 55 and 84), and perhaps a greater number equal or had their long history of calls, come tothe New World in search of political freedom, religious or otherwise.
102 1832-3 The British abolished slavery in the West Indies, 25 years after banning the British slave trade, and two years before the prohibition of slavery (in 1835) in England.
The Mfecane 103 1850 (v. 95), the Boer republics of Orange Free State black and Transvaal were established in the middle.
104 1850Black African journalists and other writers in Europe or in the various tasks and the State schools in Africa, has started to make polite. One form of recognition has been easy to publish her for her words in print. To this end, several short stories and poetry journals, the latter a "Poets' Corner" was published. The writings have been published in many indigenous African languages, as well as in several European languages.
105 1853 David Livingstone300 km route along the upper Zambezi, then from the Linyanti in Botswana together today in Luanda, Angola on the coast of Portugal. Having restored his strength, he retraced his way to Linyanti before falling to Quelimane in Mozambique, making him the first European to cross the continent from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean.
USA 106 1863 The Emancipation Proclamation freed all slaves in the United States, includingbefore the end of the Civil War.
107 1870 The Zulu took up arms against the British.
108 1871 Livingstone witnessed a terrible massacre in a town called Nyangwe in Central Africa, where Arab slave traders drew their weapons after a dispute over the price of a chicken, and fired indiscriminately over 400 people.
During thesedecades 109 1871-1912, European imperialism initsascendancy was the strongest and most powerful. The British were also in the race in many ways, like other countries were trying to carve itself a piece of Africa, or declare that they have already asked. All European countries have their own limitations in Africa, without regard to the traditionally accepted boundaries of tribe or a country already occupied ethnic / tribal, ethnic groups or even small rule nations.The long held traditionbetween the colonial powers was "divide and rule. The Europeans had begun to parts of Africa in the mid-fifteenth century, to plunder the riches of anything that can be found or created. Strict measures at European level, even encouraged, the tensions and hostilities between the tribe / language groups / ethnic unity.
110 This "was also a moment of" land conversion "or" alienation of land, which should be more honest "land grab" or "theftLand 'long by local people for generations owned and managed property as pasture for the farmers' flocks, for generations. It was not "the alienation of the land," the country can not be "alienated" It 's been the alienation of the helpless and vulnerable in Africa, forced the colonists to get power. (See 76, 97)
111, at the same time, there was a resurgence of self-respect among many black African nations who have seen the error of adopting the EuropeanEuropean cultures were of higher value than the natives, ancient cultures of Africa. The blacks in Africa have been covered since the beginning of even more (and oppressed) by those who believed "white supremacy" at the expense of the integrity to reject the African blacks.
112 1873 Livingstone died (a man disappointed) May 1, in Ilala, from the shores of Lake Bangweulu, the slave trade seemed to be the point of this ineradicable. But only a monthlater, beginning to heal the open wound of slavery, when the Sultan of Zanzibar (June 5, 1973) has signed a contract with the English, who promises to end the slave trade in East Africa. The Old Slave Market was sold to University mission in Central Africa, they built a magnificent cathedral on the old slave cells, abolished as a fitting monument to his success posthumously Livingstone.
113 1879 British troops defeated the Zulu at Isandhlwana. NotSoon after, Rourke's Drift Zulu lost the British in South Africa.
114 1880 for publication of time has been a resurgence of African pride and subsequent writings, this movement is sometimes referred to as a "self-glorification, but in reality should be seen as the traditions and reputation at home and culture.
This period also saw an increase in conflicts between the colonial powers in Africa and in many areas, and strong differences of opinion evencolonization among the European nations.
115 1882 assertedits this time Britain claim to Egypt.
116 1883 The awareness of tension (and the corresponding rights) increased at both European and African, perhaps partly in response to concerns about the impact of colonization theincreased. There have been numerous (and relevant) in English writers, especially at that time, the writers of South Africa, OliveA cut. His novel "The Story of an African Farm", addresses the outstanding issues in relations between races and between men and women. This sensitive book was among the first in this area and is often cited as a classic.
Other 117 in 1871-1912
Until the end of 1800 and even in the twentieth century, the partitioning of Africa, regardless of the will of the African native, was seriously advanced. The new boundaries between the traditional lines intersect, this wasstarted way back in 1400, more harmful to local communities and culture. The limits are for the convenience of colonial powers, business opportunities have been investigated in the first place, often at the expense of local producers of the material by the Europeans (some historians have to "steal" the word ethics describe some European traders) armies armed and ships have been protected. For many Europeans, has been the target of cheap raw materialsEuropean industry. Many also had a perverted Christian "ideology" (see 55 and 84), colored by self-righteous racism View all non-whites as heathen pagans. The capitalist settlers followed in the footsteps of former Christian missionaries, and (sometimes) even the first dealer.
The tensions between the colonial powers came out and threatened the existing peace, but sometimes fragile among the European nations.
118 1884 German chancellor Ottovon Bismarck, has announced a protectorate over the bay of Angra Pequena (Namibia).
119 1885 In August, Bismarck has sent four warships to Zanzibar, require that the Sultan with his hand over his reign in Germany.
1884-5121 The potential danger for peace in Africa and Europe has led to the convening of the Conference of Berlin. Not only the European colonial powers, but also the (fairly neutral) United States (where slavery was onlyrecently completed) have met to try to solve some of these tensions. At the conference of colonial powers jointly clarify the areas in which they support. They also have established "rules" for future development and also to the use of Zaire and Niger rivers, the importance of maritime transport and others. Given the attitude of the colonial powers, it is perhaps not surprising that African states were not included in the discussions, when agreements were reachedthe conference no African nation has signed such agreements. No doubt, no doubt, but even they had been asked, I would not have signed, and who have done their best to invalidate the decisions and their (African) opposition. Peace in Africa, seemed a distant dream, as there were many battles around the same time, Algeria, Ashanti (Ghana), Dahomey, Hausa-Fulani, the states (the latter were defeated) and the Matabele (Ndebele) and the Shona.
1221885 The "New Era" newspaper began publication in Sierra Leone. It was the beginning of the independent press in Africa, local people are, like the "New Era", or through local consortia. This was a big step to secure the release of local perspectives, even against the opposition "strong", both African leaders and Africans.
123 1895-1897 Among the new wave of African writers at that time there was in hisBoloki native, a young man named Buntungu, who wrote about his experience, after a trip to England. His book is'Mokingi mwa Mputu "or" a trip to Europe. "The perception of this book are of particular value, with comments from a local young educated Africans.
124 1896 A modern and successful African resistance was seen when the Italians suffered a heavy defeat against Ethiopians under Emperor Menelik II. In the battle of Adwa (orAdua), wiped his troops by the Italians.
125 1896-1897, there were problems in Rhodesia British, dominated at this time, as recorded in the British South Africa Company Report "Native Disturbances in Rhodesia.
126 at the end of 19 ° C before that time and into the next century, there was evidence of growing awareness and growing public opinion in Western countries (especially "white" countries) against the European CommunityColonization and colonial practices.
127 1899-1902 Long Africa tensions eventually led to the Boer War in South Africa. Although the British officially won the war, it was a Pyrrhic victory (in which the winners are almost worse than those they defeated) had to make too many concessions to them in terms of domestic politics. These have been applied for (and won) by the Boer (Afrikaner farmers) political organization. These concessions created the wayFinally, to shake off the chains of white Boers of British rule. There was also the European ancestry Afrikaner power-on the black African majority at this time.
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