Saturday, October 23, 2010

Remembering the father Father's Day

Dedicated to my father, my husband and my God

My father was a first sergeant in the Marine Corps and served in the Vietnam War. He came home with wounds and purple hearts to prove it.

I was born in this period in November 1967. He was there a couple of days after my birth, but had to return to Vietnam soon after. You can go home have a different time, when I was little, but I do not remember. I remember the first time when I was about five yearsold.

I still remember the day he came home from the war. My mother, my brothers and I were standing just off the runway where the aircraft landed in waiting for him stretched out on foot.

Suddenly, a handsome young man started in beige navy uniform with medals bustling side of the chest and wore a hat to match strong suit for us. I remember my mother leaned toward me and whispered in my ear and said. "This is your father" Without hesitation II remember running up to him as fast as I could not open his arms and jumps right into his chest. I was caught up in the air, hugged me tight and I swung around to laugh with the biggest smile I've ever seen.

At this time no matter what I do not know, all I knew was my father and I loved him and he obviously loved me back. It was the beginning of a new relationship and I could not wait to get started.

Our relationship has never changed since then. I wasDaddy's Little Girl (and only girl) so I can honestly say that I have been spoiled and my three brothers, Jaffa, James and John, are testimony to that fact, but agreed with him that I have a "girl" was and all.

It 's special love of a father, to feel safe, secure and funds that we are doing. Perhaps it is because of their strong growth, its position, or the fact that we will go every day from work to support the family know if you feelLike it or not. There is no conscious thought on our part, it's just a feeling of comfort and security of knowing they are there.

There is a quote from Billy Graham, a Christian evangelist important who said: "A good father is one of quiet, unpraised, unnoticed, yet one of the most precious resources of our society."

I agree with Billy Graham; fathers do so much, they mean so much and are important in our society, but do not deserve praise and recognition. PleaseFather's Day that your fathers, husbands, brothers and all people we know in this role and bless them with your words of affirmation, your actions and your love for everything that they want to honor. As you do, do not forget to also have a Heavenly Father who loves you, and it is right there with you.

I want to make a special dedication to my father, David Solomon Jaffa, my husband, Daniel Wiedenhoff, and my Father in heaven.

My father is now in heaven, but II know I'll see him again. I can only say: ".. dad, I greet you with all my heart and I am so proud of you thank you for loving me, my family and my country I love and I'll see you again!"

For my husband, Dan, "Thanks for a wonderful father, for everything you do, your hard work, lots of love and commitment to the care of their family, even if you are tired or not, how they feel. It does not matter What you still get up and go to work every day to provide for us. We love you,They appreciate and thank you for making all of you! "

sacrifice to my God and Heavenly Father, "Thank you for your only son to us eternal life. Thank you for your unconditional love that never fails, your constant care for us, and never leave or abandon us. There is nothing in this world, I could make my thanks for all your for us and yet, except to say, my prayer is that we show our appreciation is expressed through a life that honorsand glorify your name. Thank you and we love you! "

For all fathers, "Happy Father's Day!" May you be blessed this day of peace, love and many blessings. We honor you and appreciate you for everything you do!

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